Ha Giang Loop

I wait for the rain to stop Donning enough plastic to clog a small stream Tighten ropes over my bags Watching the coffee drip Each drop slower than the last Not a country where things are done fast A snake laid an ever-winding path for me to follow Over the border the dragon Leading me on Breathing harder As shear drops gather A sacrifice here Gravestone, A mannequin that used to be a man Surrounded by plastic flowers Perched on a rock wall for all to see Someone who didn’t survive the journey Erie Mists enclose In clouds fine tears Cliffs lean down Lurching Pushing me towards the precipice In this day I will see Mountain passes in rain Streams and waterfalls under sun A pig in its last cry, almost human being dressed for a wedding feast Laid out between the showers. An old woman with a wood load As big as a house Her daughter only 3 next to her With a cos lettuce tied to her back Smiles a...