Ha Giang Loop

I wait for the rain to stop
Donning enough plastic to clog a small stream
Tighten ropes over my bags 
Watching the coffee drip
Each drop slower than the last
Not a country where things are done fast

A snake laid an ever-winding path for me to follow
Over the border the dragon
Leading me on 
Breathing harder
As shear drops gather
A sacrifice here
A mannequin that used to be a man
Surrounded by plastic flowers
Perched on a rock wall for all to see
Someone who didn’t survive the journey

Erie Mists enclose
In clouds fine tears
Cliffs lean down
Pushing me towards the precipice
In this day 
I will see
Mountain passes in rain
Streams and waterfalls under sun
A pig in its last cry, almost human
being dressed for a wedding feast
Laid out between the showers.
An old woman with a wood load
As big as a house
Her daughter only 3 next to her
With a cos lettuce tied to her back
Smiles abundant
Small steps cut into steep slopes
So the little gods
Can make their way up.

I will see a sky path 
That reaches over clouds
A sculpture of strength
Selling the politics of another era
The greenest of rice fields
The power of natures will
By night as I lay down to rest
All that strength and power 
Will ebb with me in my dreams
Glad to have survived the journey
Apart from the smiles abundant
Most of all 
I hear a sound
A memory
last cry of a squealing pig
Maybe tomorrow
I will turn vegetarian


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