Exhibition chefing
Please go to Macy's chef demo Link
Business Lunch for the secretariat of trade Mexico , Bruno Ferrari and minister of trade New Zealand Tim Grosner and 130 other business associates from New Zealand and Mexico . The object was to link in the ideas of the mission into the menu . A more abbreviated menu than this was actually chosen in the end but I put this one up as an example of how a menu can set the stage for something quite different , international future business relationships . The lunch was set in 'Bosce de chapultapec' in Mexico City Nov 2010.
Business Lunch for the secretariat of trade Mexico , Bruno Ferrari and minister of trade New Zealand Tim Grosner and 130 other business associates from New Zealand and Mexico . The object was to link in the ideas of the mission into the menu . A more abbreviated menu than this was actually chosen in the end but I put this one up as an example of how a menu can set the stage for something quite different , international future business relationships . The lunch was set in 'Bosce de chapultapec' in Mexico City Nov 2010.
The birds , New Zealand bellbird photographed in franz joseph 2007 and the Mexican national bird an eagle The Chucaraca.
Mexican New Zealand
Collective Prosperity menu
All the colors of green , like the country, rolling hills under the long white cloud.
Soup of poblano peppers with a stuffed tomato and statuesque green lip Mussels.
Slow roasted lamb shank in rich Mothers recipe Cabernet rosemary aus jus inside a agave cactus money bag. A sign of prospective future gains.
Set on a mound of buttery potato and choko’s.
Sweet passionate finale.
Chocolate building of layers of passionfruit and chocolate mousses with a kiwifruit Sav blanc sauce .In the end all deals should be sweetened
México/ Nueva Zelanda
Menú colectivo de prosperidad
En el campo…
todos los colores del verde
colinas que se entrelazan
bajo la Gran Nube Blanca
Crema poblana con jitomate relleno
Y escultura de mejillones “Green lip” de Nueva Zelanda
Pierna de cordero asada a fuego lento
en salsa de vino tinto y romero
envuelto en hoja de maguey de la abundancia
sobre una cama de papas y chayotes a la mantequilla
una señal del próspero futuro.
Un final dulce y apasionado
Ensamble de mousses de chocolate y fruta de la pasión en salsa de kiwi y vino blanco.