Circular Breathing

A hippy, a skeptic and a tie-dyed mung bean walked into a circular breathing session. I will finish the joke at the end but to put things in perspective I was the skeptic. The course I had embarked on offered to alleviate stress, give a smile to a person suffering from depression, and calm anxiety bringing a sense of total well being to the inner-self. Well, my inner-self was suffering from bouts of depression, extremely anxious, and generally feeling like I had been rolled through the wringer of an old barrel washing machine. So I rolled myself up at 6pm on a Sunday night following a line of dreadlocked saffron orange and shades of green smocked souls into the Titirangi centre for body soul and mind. I knew something was amiss when I took off my not very vegan leather Doc’s, placing them next too, woven knitted sock-shoes, hemp sandals and woollen beige fake fur hug boots. ...