The Customer – internal monologue of a deranged mind. : excerpt

The news came on, a jumble of facts so sad that they all started to lose their meaning, a disaster here, a war there, a famine on the way, rapes, murders and political corruption, I had to turn it off. It took meaning away from my life. If I thought about the world I became infinitesimal in having any effect on it, so I stopped listening, I stopped watching, I stopped waiting for something to happen where I might be involved in the calamity that went on around me. That's when I realised I am but an ant. But it didn't matter that that was all I was, as to me I was the biggest ant in my little world. To everything else around me, I became quite deaf. That's when I put the Iron through the Television set. It's still there. Afterwards, I just sat and looked at it, realising the error in my action. How was I going to iron my clothes?